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Global Fund Invest More Than US$4 Billion a Year To Defeat HIV, TB and Malaria

We unite the world to find solutions that have the most impact, and we take them to scale worldwide. it’s working. We won’t stop until the job is finished.

Global Fund Invest More Than US$4 Billion a Year To Defeat HIV, TB and Malaria

We unite the world to find solutions that have the most impact, and we take them to scale worldwide. it’s working. We won’t stop until the job is finished.

Global Fund Invest More Than US$4 Billion a Year To Defeat HIV, TB and Malaria

We unite the world to find solutions that have the most impact, and we take them to scale worldwide. it’s working. We won’t stop until the job is finished.




It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted.



It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted.



It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted.

KCM Membership

Who we Are

Membership Of KCM

The KCM is composed of 23 members representing the Government of Kenya (GoK), government parastatals, County Governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), persons living with or affected by the diseases, key affected populations, bi-lateral and multilateral development partners, the private sector (formal and informal private sector), and adolescents and young people. The Government constituency shall be represented by Government Ministries, Counties, and Agencies.

In line with established grant requirements, at least forty percent of KCM members must be from the non-governmental sector: NGOs, religious/faith-based organizations, people living with HIV/AIDS and/or affected by the diseases TB, and malaria, key affected population (KAPS), private sector organizations, adolescents and young people and academia.

The KCM intends to ensure a balanced gender representation. In this regard, KCM female membership (members and alternates) will be at least 40%.

The number of members representing each constituency is as follows:

National Government - 5 Members

County Governments - 3 Members

Non-Government Organizations - 1 Member

Faith Based Organizations - 2 Members

Persons Living With or Affected By the disease - 3 Members

Bilateral Development Partners - 2 Members

Ultilateral Development Partners - 2 Members

Informal Private Sector - 1 Member

Formal Private Sector - 1 Member

Key Affected Populations - 2 Members

Adolescents and Young People - 1 Member

KCM Structure

KCM Committee

Oversight Committee

The Oversight Committee is essential for strong governance in KCM. The committee includes diverse stakeholders from leading organizations working on HIV, TB, Malaria, and health systems strengthening , ensuring transparent and accountable decision-making.

KCM Committee

Management Committee
The Management Committee is responsible for tasks assigned at KCM meetings, making urgent decisions between meetings, keeping the full KCM informed, overseeing the KCM Secretariat’s structure, providing recommendations and coordinating the KCM’s operational plan and budget.

KCM Committee

Appeal Committee
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted.

KCM Committee

Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee will consist of three members drawn from the Government, Development Partners, and non-state Actors. Its responsibilities include providing guidance on ethical conduct, overseeing the Conflict-of-Interest Policy, reporting to the KCM quarterly, and taking necessary actions consistent with the KCM Constitution, Operating Procedures, and COI Policy.

Kenya secures Sh59.7 billion Global Fund commitment to combat HIV, TB and Malaria

Kenya has signed six Global Fund grants amounting to Sh59.7 billion (USD 407,989,068) to support HIV, TB and malaria interventions from July to June 2027.

The breakdown includes USD 232,580,654 for HIV, USD 72,934,665 for malaria, USD 67,785,529 for TB, and USD 34,688,220 for health systems strengthening.

  • HIV/AIDS Grant 57% 57%
  • Malaria Grant 18% 18%
  • Tuberculosis Grant 17% 17%
  • Health Systems Strengthening 9% 9%

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