About Us
Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) are a core part of the Global Fund and include representatives of all sectors involved in the promotion, prevention, and treatment of TB, malaria, HIV, AIDS, and Health /Community systems strengthening.
In Kenya, the CCM was formed in 2002, operating under the Joint Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee (JICC) supported by the Inter-Agency Coordinating Committees (ICCs) for HIV & AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. Thereafter, in 2009 and 2010, the JICC undertook a reform process and the Kenya Coordinating Mechanism (KCM) was established.
The Kenya Country Coordinating Mechanism (herein referred to as KCM) is established in response to the requirements and recommendations of the Global Fund as an overall country partnership body guiding the allocation and use of the Global Fund resources.
The membership of the KCM comprises 23 members and 23 alternate members representing Government, Development partners, TB, Malaria, HIV, Faith-based Organizations, Key population, Non-Governmental Organizations, the private sector, adolescents, and young person Constituencies. In 2015, the KCM was reformed into an apex governance structure with standing committees namely, Management, Oversight, Ethics, and Appeals Committee. The KCM provides overall leadership and oversight of the Global Fund grants in Kenya. The KCM Secretariat helps to coordinate and support the KCM operations.
Our Vision
Optimal, accountable, and transparent stewardship toward ending HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
Our Mission
Harnessing full potential of partners and resources to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria including strengthening health and Community systems in Kenya .
KCM Mandate
The KCM mandate is to attract funds from The Global Fund for the HIV and AIDS, TB and Malaria programmes and coordinate, monitor, evaluate and support the implementation of the Global Fund grants. It is responsible for ensuring that the Global Fund proposal is country owned and implementation is country driven.
Roles of KCM
The functions of the KCM are as follows:
1. To coordinate the submission of concept notes or request for funding through a formal, inclusive, transparent and documented process.
2. To select one or more appropriate organization(s) to serve as the Principal Recipient(s) of grants through a transparent and documented process.
3. To oversee the implementation of grants.
4. To evaluate the performance of the grants and the Principal Recipients and take appropriate actions.
5. To ensure linkages between established grants and other assistance and programmes in line with Country priorities, as defined in relevant strategic frameworks.
6. To ensure all relevant stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process and provided with information on grants.
KCM Structure
The KCM is supported by a Secretariat and at least three permanent committees: the management, ethics and oversight committees.
The KCM shall maintain linkages with the Inter-Agency Coordinating Committees (ICCs)/Health Sector Working Groups responsible for HIV, malaria, TB and RSSH, specifically around issues of national harmonization, concept note/funding request development, and technical support.
KCM Guiding Principles
The KCM adhere to the following principles in conducting its affairs:
- Country ownership of support grants: The KCM will ensure support grants for programmes are Country owned by all stakeholders and respect country partnership-led structures and implementation processes that build on existing national programmes.
- Commitment to improving Grants’ performance: The KCM will establish and operationalise adequate systems for overseeing grants implementation.
- Broad representation of stakeholders: The KCM will ensure all relevant stakeholders with an interest in fighting one or more of the three diseases are represented in the KCM taking into account gender, people living with or affected by AIDS, TB and malaria.
- Transparency and accountability: The KCM shall disclose information on its activities to relevant stakeholders using appropriate communication channels. The KCM will have mechanisms for ensuring accountability of members to their constituencies.
- Equality: All members of the KCM shall be treated as equal partners, with full rights to participation, expression and involvement in decision-making.